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Health and Healing


Dear friend,


Are you trusting the Lord for healing today? I want you to know that God wants you healed and well. In fact everything that is required for you to receive your healing this very moment has already been done, that’s the good news!


My Bible tells me clearly that God is a God of love and that He is a good God (1 Chronicles 16:34; 1 John 4:16). This means that if you are sick, God’s heart is and will always be to heal and restore health and life to you. He so desires for you to walk in health and life that He gave you His beloved Son, Jesus, so that you might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). It is the will of God is for you to walk in abundant health and life. He does not want your body and life sapped, incapacitated or debilitated by pain, sickness and disease, and He will never withhold healing from you.


John 5: 14

Behold, thou art made whole sin no more lest a worse thing come unto thee.


Have you ever noticed how when someone is ill people are quick to draw the conclusion that it is because of some sin they have committed that they cannot receive healing? In fact this has become a stumbling block for many stopping them from receiving healing from God because they are convinced that they deserve to be ill.


This is a lie from the pits of hell, if you notice in the passage of scripture we have just read Jesus healed the sinner before he ever came to the point of repentance. It is only after the man had been healed and made whole that he was told ‘go and sin no more’. The man’s sin COULD NOT stop the compassion and the mercy of God.


It is the will of God that every single one of us be in perfect health, the price for your healing has already been paid. It was all finished at the cross where by his stripes you were healed. If it hadn’t been finished it wouldn’t be called the good news in the first place! You can receive your healing today! All that needed to be done to make you well has already been completed so that you can walk in divine health. You don’t need to be sick another day in your life.



How important is your healing and health to the Lord? So important that He Himself paid the heaviest and most terrible price for your wholeness! At the cross, Jesus was judged, burnt, smitten and crushed. He paid the full price for your healing, health and wholeness so you could experience His abundant life. Today, there is no symptom in your body that is too insignificant for Him to care about, and no condition that is greater than what His finished work has accomplished.

Beloved, if you’re facing challenges in your body today, I encourage you to meditate on the love and finished work of our Lord Jesus through the healing scriptures below. These Bible verses pertain specifically to your healing. In them, you will see the Lord’s heart to heal you and your loved ones, and how your healing has already been paid for at the cross. When you see also how willingly and compassionately Jesus simply healed all who came to Him, as long as they had a physical need, faith will rise in your heart to know that He wants to, and can do the same for you.


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